[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Marketing Services For Your Offer”]Successful capital raise require more than a whitepaper and an Airdrop[/ultimate_heading]
Plan for Success
Our leadership team has over 50 years combined of marketing and media expertise. We surfed the wave of the DotCom boom, liked our way to success with social media and can Airdrop with the best. From the Global 1000 to sole proprietors looking to change industry, we have the expertise to help companies market their offering and generate capital. One thing we know for sure is that hype and buzz, known as “pump and dump” is rampant. On-going market making is just as important as creating the initial buzz. Success requires a plan. Offer marketing with FINavation includes:
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Offer Marketing Materials
Blockchain has disrupted transactional technology and changed the way we pursue capital and liquidity. Fundraising is faster, easier and global. Even with these changes, one thing hasn’t changed – investors only support offers that they understand and believe will succeed. FINavation has the writers and marketing experts to convert dry “due diligence” documents into exciting, storytelling assets that generate demand. Our offer marketing services include:
• Marketing strategy, offer audit, competition review and a “Success Exit” Plan
• Offer Solicitation in the form of a traditional PPM or today’s more consumable white paper. FINavation marketers have prepared over 100 offer documents
• Be ready! You will need to be able to pitch your offer on the fly. A pitch deck, an offer one sheet and an easy-to-use talking points document are all essential.
• Digital marketing with an offer landing page, social media (Telegram, What’s App, Twitter, LinkedIn) campaigns, and Airdrop and bounty program
• Public relations to the appropriate vertical markets.[/ultimate_icon_list_item][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-signal”]Lead Generation
Demand generation is where a successful capital campaign starts. FINavation has the expertise to create buzz and interest in the offer. Leveraging our expertise in creating leads and the technology to guide prospects through campaign’s sales funnel, FINavation creates the leads you need for liquidity.[/ultimate_icon_list_item][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-comments”]Community Building
Technology has changed the way investors buy and sell assets. Landing pages, member forums, and community newsletters are all standard. Whether you’re pursuing an innovative, blockchain token offering or even a traditional PPM, investors demand real-time communication with the company and with each other. Using industry leading content marketing technology, FINavation provides clients state-of-the-art community technology and strategy to insure successful exits for the company AND investors.[/ultimate_icon_list_item][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-bullhorn”]Public Relations and Market Outreach
As blockchain offers move to Main Street, new service providers will jump in. They’ll do their homework and copy the new messaging models that token offers utilize. What they’ll miss is the fact that traditional investors may not use Telegram and may prefer a printed newspaper over a tweet from Investor Relations. FINavation partners with public relations firms, and marketing agencies to flood traditional communications channels with news to generate on-going interest.[/ultimate_icon_list_item][/ultimate_icon_list]